The Metaverse versus The Immersive Web
Bold Prediction Much like the mobile versus web spectrum, VR/XR is having a similar problem. On one side there are "native apps". These are written to be deployed on the device, often belaboured by app store policies and confusion, and are not generally "runnable" without installing them. On the other end are the "mobile web apps". These just use html/js and can be run from a browser on modern days, with things like PWA, they are often indistinquishable from "native apps" and have the added benefit of running without going through an "app store". In the VR/XR world, we face a similar problem...Oculus, being the first platform with any degree of consumer success, has a ton of mind share around "native apps", however, there is a web standard (WebXR) that has been creeping into browsers everywhere called WebXR which is enabling the ability to run "native-like" immersive experience. This is sig...