
Showing posts from April, 2024

webxr with Babylonjs, A-frame/Threejs, and Unity

I've been working quite extensively on a webxr side project. Originally it was built with a-frame / threejs. You can take a look at it here at Immersive Idea . Recently I relized I was "fighting the framework" more than I was "getting things done". Originally, I chose a-frame because it was essentially a "no code" (well just html markup) way to build scenes. Additionally it's ECS framework was very well documented and easy to use. In an effort to broaden my perspective I started looking at alternatives (Unity with OpenXr, Babylonjs) as I was struggling to keep the pieces working together. This is my (slightly long) recap of my observations. A-Frame A-frame is is well documented, easy to use, and the community is super friendly and helpful. If I simplly wanted to render scenes in webxr with minimal ability to manipulate the environment, I wouldn't even think twice about using it.... Heck I still use it for quick m