An open letter to Trump supporters (warning, bad words)

This letter is for all my friends, family, acquaintances, and others who feel they must support everything Donald J. Trump says without questioning it. I want to "tell it like it is". Before I get into details, I want to share some background. I was born and raised in Michigan, My Dad was a Fireman, Mechanic, Plumber, Heavy Equipment Operator, Cement Contractor, SeaBee...and probably 30 other things I don't know about...My Mom was, (aside from a homemaker that seems to be, even now, able to keep a house tidy and kids(and grand kids...and when we can get our grandkid out there...I'm sure GREAT-grandkids... able to not kill each other or completely destroy a domicile) additionally a jewelry salesperson, telemarketer, police dispatcher (or something like that), collections agent...and also...probably a bunch of other things I don't even know/remember. I personally have been a stock clerk, retail checkout clerk, telemarketer (last two my Mom wrangled for me), general laborer (working with my dad on his 'side projects' doing cement work and cutting well as VERY brief stints hauling block and pitching bales), Personnel Information Systems Specialist/Fitness Trainer/Training Supervisor/Systems Administrator (all courtesy of the US Army), Risk Management Software Engineer, and Software Architect (I think I got MOST of them...there might be a few more).

Here's the thing, Donald Trump is nothing like me, I see him as a vain, privileged, and arrogant Narcissist who gives zero shits about people like me, let alone folks who are much worse off. Yes, "talks the talk", but he doesn't "walk the walk". He didn't "do his time" and "make something of himself", he just got a bunch of money from his daddy and futzed around. Do I hate him for that? Hell no, good for him! but do I think he's an asshat for manipulating folks who have 'better things to do' and convincing them that he's 'their guy'?

Listen, everyone's entitled to their opinion...I'm totally OK with that...but if you're a veteran, do you really want a guy who claims his sexual escapades in college are equitable to John McCain's experiences as a prisoner of war? If you REALLY think that, email me...I'll talk to my uncle (who pulled McCain out of his plane on the Forestal and has all the plates, screws, substance abuse, and mental problems to show for it)..we'll see if we can set up a conversation where you guys can get together and rap at length about how awesome he is. Heck I don't even know said uncle's political predilections...I suspect he's also a Trump supporter, so you might hit it off. Be sure to mention how my uncle wasn't really a very good sailor because he couldn't stop the magazine from exploding though...because... you know a good sailor (like if Trump had ever served) would have avoided that problem.

For folks who work hard and succeed.. Let me ask you, do you think you could have done better with a one million dollar loan? I mean, shit, aside from sports figures who piss their money away on gold plated doorknobs, who the hell COULDN'T succeed with that sort of "minor help"? For folks who've started with "fuck-all nothing" in their pockets (and I'm including Donald Trump's father in this group, that guy started with nothing), his claims should be INFURIATING...he's essentially claimed that bringing a gun to a knife fight is a "fair fight" and he's a better "knife fighter" because he brought a gun.

For folks you are marginalized...if you voted for Donald Trump...WTF were you thinking? I mean, seriously...this cat has had every benefit of every bias in the system and you vote for him? My friends, please let's talk. Just because he's rich doesn't mean somehow he's going to change the country to help you so you can also be rich. The only thing working against him is the media, and he can't even handle THEIR criticism...Jeesus H. Christ, you ran for president and are offended by what the media writes? You really didn't think this through dude did you?

For folks who are afraid of "Radical Islamic Terrorists". Quick question: How many have you met? I've never met one, they seem as rare as Siberian Tigers to me. Of course if you believe the narrative that Donald Trump and a lot of folks that feed him (patently false) information, every street corner in America has packs of violent Jihadist waving AK-47s. That is not reality, it will never be reality, "buying into" the fear that this might happen is just a way for King Trump to illustrate why you "need him".

My final points: Donald Trump promised to "make America great again" without explaining what is wrong with America. I struggle to understand how "building a wall" or "trumping Hillary" or any of the other silly (my opinion, I get one too) "plans" are going to make America great. Maybe some more Americans will be employed building a wall, so that could be a plus, but other than that, all I see him doing is running around spreading rumors and redistributing false information to scare people into trusting him against "the bad people". Trump supporters should be writing the White House telling this man that "hey I didn't hire you to run around spreading gossip...and yes, you work for US, so man the fuck up and stop spreading gossip like a little bitch, we ALL see through it".

This was originally written a month or so after President Trump was elected and my sentiments still hold true (of not more now than then). In fact I'm more disappointed in the guy NOW than at any point previous because as an (eternal) optimist, I was REALLY hoping we were going to see him turn things around. I think the takeaway is that while he PERSONALLY isn't going to do anything, the fact that he was elected at all is a big enough catalyst (especially after our first black president and first "close race" with a woman) to cause lethargic stalemate we've had in presidential elections to disintegrate in the next election cycle. In a way, Donald Trump has accomplished more to "bring down the rigged system" than Bernie Sanders (who I greatly admire) has. Yes, he's a crappy president and we're going to have to deal with the shit show that is his presidency, but in a way, "it's a good thing".


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