Push versus pull deployment models

There are two deployment models: push and pull. In a "Pull" deployment model, the individual servers contact a master server, download their configuration and software, and configure themselves. In a "Push" model, a master server pushes the configuration and software to the individual servers and runs commands remotely. While neither technique is right or wrong, they both have some specific advantages and disadvantages that you should understand when making a decision. In the ruby hosting world, an example of a "push" deployment is heroku, while Engine Yard is an example of a "pull" type deployment.

In the Pull model, each server has information about how to obtain it's configuration, when it boots (or whatever the configuration triggering event happens to be) it can continue to proceed without intervention from the master server. In the Push model, because the master server is orchestrating things, it will typically need to have a connection back every application server. This can lead to performance and scaleability problems when trying to deploy 100s or 1000s of application server images simultaneously.

On the other hand, the pull model doesn't typically have a way to ensure that all servers and software are launched in a particular sequence. In push scenario, the master server can coordinate which servers come up in which order. If you have a situation where application a depends on application b running, it might be a better idea to have a push deployment for these two.

In addition, the pull model starts to get wonky if you want to attempt "instantaneous" deployments. Then either the application servers need to poll frequently or "long poll" OR -- you need simulate a push deployment ;).

From a security perspective, since a pull deployment needs to connect back to a master server, it can potentially open up some security holes. In a push deployment, the master server has access to the application server, but the application server has no access back to the master. This means it is much less likely that a security breach on one of your application servers can corrupt your master server.

Both models work, and they are not mutually exclusive, but understanding their key differences is important.

Some other references:
Automated deployment systems: push vs. pull

Configuration management: push vs. pull


Unknown said…
From a security perspective, since a pull deployment needs to connect back to a master server, it can potentially open up some security holes. In a push deployment, the master server has access to the application server, but the application server has no access back to the master. This means it is much less likely that a security breach on one of your application servers can corrupt your master server.

I am bit confused on the above paragraph. Is pull more secure or push more secure and in the previous paragraphs you have mentioned pull is more likely to be used but in the last statement u mentioned it as pull is less secure than push. If you don't mind could you please elaborate more regarding the security and which model is the best to use.

A part from this the blog is very helpful. Thanks

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