tether droid eris to Ubuntu 10.04 machine
My internet service provider is a bit dicey and I occasionally need to be on the Internet even when they are figuring out how to reboot their remote router when they lose connectivity. So I thought I would just tether my smartphone (Droid ERIS) to my computer. After a bit of searching, I came up with a couple requirements. I didn't want to root my phone. While this is technically a cool thing to do, I just don't want to do that right now. I need to be able to connect natively to an Ubuntu linux machine. All my computers are currently running ubuntu and I didn't want to screw around with wine or a virtual machine. Enter easytether. In 5 minutes I had internet connectivity... here's what I did: downloaded easytether downloaded the ubuntu driver to the phone connected the phone to the computer (via usb) installed the .deb located in phone's download folder ran easytether on the phone ran "easytether enumerate" on my computer ran "sudo dhc...