Xn= kXn-1(1-Xn-1)
This paper goes into some depth explaining how nonlinear functions can be used to analyze disaster response. I got increasingly interested as I realized that, in some ways, information technology has parallels to disaster response. More importantly, nonlinear math has a huge potential to help analyze and solve many information technology problems.
I did a little more research and stumbled upon this gem and began reading it:
Organizations and Chaos: Defining the Methods of Nonlinear Management
Book by H. Richard Priesmeyer; Quorum Books, 1992. 258 pgs.
This is written by the same person who did the disaster response paper and is a compelling read. The reason it's so interesting to me is that these problems have exact correlations to many problems I see with software development. For now, I'm going to finish this book and I'll follow up later with some 3/4 baked ideas.