
Showing posts from April, 2016

Headless rasberry pi 3 install for OSX for non-noobs

Having purchased a raspberry pi 3 a few weeks ago, I was quite confused by almost every reference for install mentioning "plug in HDMI monitor and USB keyboard" as a step. While I've found references on how to do a headless install, it seems that many of the instructions come from a background of "you've already installed and run the graphical installer". As a person coming from an arduino/linux server background, I really don't need X11 for my use case and just want a powerful micro controller that I can setup via ssh (well, USB would be better, I still don't understand why you can't do this using the USB connection as a tty...but that's a different discussion). What follows are the steps I used...NOTE if you use the wrong disk number you will destroy potentially important information on your machine, use at your own risk and only do this if you understand what this means otherwise you will likely have an unusable machine or at a minimu...

Do you test your IT operations and business processes?

The software industry expends a lot of energy making sure software is tested. From unit testing, to system and performance testing, to manual "poke it with a stick testing", almost no software team "doesn't do it" or fails to see the need. Ironically though, many places don't routinely test their IT operations and business processes. This is ironic because if those things are broken or brittle, it generally has a MUCH larger negative impact on a company than buggy software. To clarify, I've worked with many companies that have a "backups" and "disaster recovery plans", but they never TEST to see if either of this can actually lead to a recovery in the timeframe expected. A well known (for me at least) scenario in the IT field (related to operations) is this: "Yes we do backups" Server fails, all data is gone Build new server (this works) Restore data that was previously backed up Realize backups actually were w...

Let it crash

"Let it crash" is a watchword in the Erlang world that has a pretty specific meaning in that context, but can be seriously misapplied if taken out of context. In the erlang world, a "crash" is the termination of an actor in it's specific context. In a well designed actor system, the actors have very specific jobs and if they cannot complete that job they are free to fail immediately. This is a bit of a problem for folks working in the JVM world as crash can be overloaded to mean things that change the semantics of a transactional system. Real world(ish) example: Suppose you have a distributed system that accepts a message, writes it to a data store, then hands a new message off to three other components. Suppose further that the transactional semantics of the system are such that the job isn't "done" until all four operations have completed and are either #1 permanently successful, or #2 permanently failed. The important detail ...

Problems in the internet of things

Problems in the “Internet of Things” Having worked with connected vehicles for a number of years now, there are some things that it seems newcomers always “get wrong”. Having worked through the “plain ‘ol Internet” (POI) boom, I see parallels between the mistakes made during that period and similar mistakes in the current ongoing boom. I’ll outline the biggest few: Failing to recognize mobility In the POI, people used a client/server paradigm to design applications for the web. Additionally, the protocol generally chosen was one designed for document management, not application connectivity and it too almost a decade before general purpose alternatives arose that were better suited for the types of interactions desired. Moreover the general interactive design tended to try and replicate a desktop experience instead of design for the new platform. The problem here is that the device “might not be where you think it is” or it may have even “fallen off the network”. Without go...