
Showing posts from August, 2014

It's not NoSQL versus RDBMS, it's ACID + foreign keys versus eventual consistency

The Background Coming from a diverse background and having dealt with a number of distributed systems, I routinely find myself in a situation where I need to explain why foreign keys managed by an acid compliant RDBMS (no matter how expensive or awesome), lead to a scaleability problem that can be extremely cost prohibitive to solve. I also want to clarify an important point before I begin, scaleability doesn't equate to a binary yes or no answer, scaleability should always be expressed as an cost per unit of scale and I'll illustrate why. Let's use a simplified model of a common web architecture. In this model, work is divided between application servers (computation) and database servers (storage). If we assume that a foreign key requires validation at the storage level, no matter how scaleable our application layer is, we're going to run into a storage scaling problem. Note: Oracle RAC is this the end of the day, no matter how many RAC nodes yo...

Things to remember about information security

As more businesses look to cloud application providers for solution, the need for developers to understand secure coding practices is becoming much more important. Gone are the days when a developer would write an application that only ran in a secure environment and now it is possible for applications to be moved to locations where previously well managed security gaps now are exposed to the internet at large. Developers now more than ever need to understand basic security principles and follow practices to keep their applications and data safe from attackers. To make things more secure, a developer needs to first understand and believe the following statements: You don't know how to do it properly Nothing is completely secure Obscurity doesn't equal security Security is a continuum You don't know how to do it properly If I had a nickel for every developer who though they invented the newest, greatest, cleverest encryption/hashing routine, I'd be a millio...

Avoid hibernate anemia and reduce code bloat

One of my beefs with Hibernate as an ORM is that it encourages anemic domain models that have no operations and are simply data structures. This coupled with java's verbosity tend to make code unmaintainable (when used by third party systems) as well as cause developers to focus in THINGS instead of ACTIONS. For example take the following class that represents a way to illustrate part of a flight booking at an airline: public class Flight { public Date start; public Date finish; public long getDuration() { return finish.getTime() - start.getTime(); } } This is the core "business" requirement for a use case in this model in terse java. Form an OO perspective, start and finish are attributes, and getDuration is an operation (that we happen to believe is mathematically derived from the first two fields. Of course, due to training and years of "best practices" brainwashing, most folks will immediately and mindlessly follow the java ...